Hello Everyone!
I'm curently in a class that I don't understand so I thought that it would be a good time to write a blog. Sorry I haven't done a blog in a while, I would always start one but was never in the headspace to finish.
So about what is happening in Chile right now. First off, I'm totally fine and safe thanks to living in the country side. So around Friday (10/18) the metro prices rised, which made a lot of people mad. Mostly because with the minimum wage they get and expensive schools and taxes, they already can barely afford the metro. This started an outbreak of mostly younger university students destroying subway stations. This violent protesting started a chain of more violent protesting about every other problem. By the end of the week, Chileans were demanding a change in government. Things got so intense that the military had to monitor the streets to keep things in order, but this ended in what looks like abuse of power from the military. There were buildings on fire, innocent people getting shot, supermarkets and other stores getting robbed, the Santiago airport cancelled all flights, and all over chaos. The government cancelled school all week and set a curfew of around 7 pm. I wasn't allowed to leave the house for 6 days. But things slowly started to get better. The protests became peaceful and record size. Today is my first day back at school in 10 days. I missed school a lot because it's when I get to see all of my Chilean friends.
Surprisingly, the Atacama desert trip with Rotary is still happening in 6 days. The dates for that trip have changed around 3 times...which was not fun. Thursday morning, I get to go to Santiago with my exchange student in Alaska, Martín's family. Honestly, that is all that is holding me together right now. They said they would show me all over the area and that I get to visit some cool towns. The reason we are doing this all is because my flight is at 3 am at Santiago airport and I live around an hour and a half from Santiago and I don't want to torture my host family with driving me there at that time. In Santiago, Martín's family is going to take me to get tacos. I'm so excited. I haven't had tacos in 2 months, which is 2 months too long. The home screen wallpaper of my phone is a picture of tacos from my favorite Mexican restaurant in Alaska.
Hopefully, my next blog will be soon. I'm thinking about doing it about a normal day in my life here. Please leave any suggestions about what you want to hear about. Any photos I have taken have been posted to my Instagram @kennainchile which is at the bottom of the home page.
Chao! (thanks for correcting my spelling on this word Fernanda)